During a time shrouded in almost unprecedented uncertainty, the need for people to step up and do what’s good for their community has never been more obvious. And when the call came in for their community, the Indiana Precision Grinding team knew they had to answer it.
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IPG President and CEO Dave Cox described how events unfolded:
“About two weeks ago in one of our management meetings we were discussing how this pandemic is affecting our company and loved ones. Vice President Matt Cox asked, ‘What can our company do for our community during this time?’ Which sparked a desire within me to look for an opportunity to support and give back to our local communities that are being affected by the pandemic. An opportunity that we collectively as a company can all contribute to.”
He continued, “The IPG team took a few moments to reflect on our calling to be stewards of every resource we’ve been entrusted with. After all, to whom much is given, much is required. We’ve been blessed with minimal setbacks while navigating this so far, amplifying our desire to give back to the community. We decided to do so by organizing a company-wide fundraiser for two local food banks.”

Great Harvest Food Pantry and Gleaners Food Bank are stepping up to help their communities during this crisis.
VP Matt Cox explained:
“We chose Great Harvest Food Pantry in Johnson County, IN. They’re an awesome ministry connected to Grace Assembly of God church and have been serving Johnson County for several years now. They recently started a fund called ‘Kingdom Builders Greenwood’ to give others the opportunity to help during this time of need in order to assist during the pandemic.“
He added, “We also chose Gleaners Food Bank in Marion County, IN. Dave noticed a news story of a shortage of supplies and need for help Gleaners Food Bank and we felt called to do our part. Many families in both counties are depending on the assistance that these organizations provide; we wanted to support those who are on the frontlines and serving communities during this pandemic.”
We will conduct the drive next week (week of April 20th) so our entire team can plan to give and ask their families and friends to contribute as well. This gives the entire IPG team a chance to give however they would like. There is no expectation, there is no requirement. Everyone gives as much as they want and no more. Everything is anonymous, so no one feels any pressure.
This fundraising drive is the most recent in IPG’s commitment to community. IPG currently supports eight non-for-profit organizations throughout the year. To date, this drive is the largest IPG has made which includes employee contributions–so our team has really stepped up!

Great Harvest Food Pantry is committed to responding to the needs of their community through food distribution and support services.
Matt concluded, saying:
“‘We are all in this together’ seems to be the national outcry during this time. Most of our team has experienced humble beginnings in life, and we do not forget where we came from. Giving back to our communities will always be embedded in our culture at IPG! Let us be faithful stewards by being the salt and light during this time. Let’s be intentional about life.“
IPG has always been committed to grinding and finishing the best aerospace parts in the industry. But the team at IPG is also devoted to doing the best we can for the greater Indianapolis community.